National Galleries of Scotland
The National Galleries of Scotland collection includes around 950 sporting-related artworks. These consist of paintings, drawings, prints, photographs, a small number of sculptures and one time-based media artwork. The collection includes portraits of elite individual sports men and women and also includes artworks depicting team and individual sports being played. The collection covers much of Scotland and there are a number of artworks which relate to international sport. The earliest sporting-related artwork in the collection is dated 1654, an etching by Rembrandt of The Golf Player; the most recently created works date from the 2010s and include portraits of Sir Chris Hoy and Sir Jackie Stewart. A multitude of sports are represented in the collection including: golf, curling, shinty, bowls, athletics, rugby union, traditional sporting activities – hunting, shooting, fishing, cycling, horseracing, billiards, ice skating, sailing, football, cricket, croquet, army sports and Highland Games.