Kent Cricket Heritage Trust

The objects of the Trust are to acquire, catalogue, manage, research and display for public enjoyment and education, books, records and other memorabilia with particular reference to cricket in Kent.

Our collections

We manage the complete collection of cricket books, paintings, photographs and memorabilia of Kent County Cricket Club, ranging from a complete set of Wisden (many originally from the collection of Lord Harris) and the scorebook showing W.G. Grace’s score of 344 for MCC v Kent in 1876 to the wallet Colin Blythe was carrying when he was killed at Passchendaele in 1917.

Our first project is to manage the display of our current collection by completing the inventory and by acquiring new display cabinets. In the medium term, we are planning a permanent museum/heritage centre for the Trust.  We have not yet established a website, although information about Kent Cricket Club in general can be found by visiting the clubs website.

This collection entry was last updated on 06/03/2017. Information incorrect or out-of-date?