A-Z of Sporting Heritage, KS2 Resource

Illustration of runner finishing raceThis fun, flexible and creative Key Stage 2 resource illustrated by Jessica Hartshorn, was inspired by The British Museum and Radio 4’s project ‘A History of the World in 100 Objects’. It involves pupils working individually or in groups to match card illustrations of often ‘quirky’ sporting artefacts representing each letter of the alphabet to their descriptions, then producing their own versions as an ‘exhibition’ or display.

‘Thinking further’ cards about each artefact offer enrichment and extension activities linked to its wider thematic significance – and the challenge to find another unusual object starting with the same letter to illustrate and describe.

Along with the main A-Z school resource PDF below, you can also download a useful Teacher’s Guide to accompany it. And to provide further flexibility in the classroom, we’ve included the A-Z cards and Thinking further cards as two separate downloads. Finally, if you’d like to run this resource as a full class presentation and activity:

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Please contact our Education Lead, Derek Peaple at [email protected] if you have any queries about this resource or need alternative file formats.

And finally, we’d like to thank the participating museums and organisations for their contributions to this resource, and Sport England for their continuing support.


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