National Sporting Heritage Day is an opportunity for you to celebrate your sporting stories and the heritage of your sport with your community through events, activites, and by sharing your collections online using #NSHD2023.
Add your plans to our listing below and we’ll help promote your activity in the run up to September 30th.
Ure Museum of Greek Archaeology, Reading – Sept 30, 12pm – 2pm
Join the Ure Museum for their Summer Olympots Games on National Sporting Heritage Day. Tying in with their new exhibition ‘Locus Lundi – Anyone Can Play’ about the ancient games, this fun activity session for all, combines games, sports & crafts!
Find out more: Summer Olympots Twitter @uremuseum
Heart of Midlothian Museum, Edinburgh – Sept 30, 11am -3pm
The Hearts Museum will be offering up some free activities for kids and adults this Sporting Heritage Day to celebrate the Community in Sport theme, “we’ll be exploring how Tynecastle Park Stadium has changed over the years alongside the local community area – come along and share your memories and pictures with us! There will also be a chance for kids to draw your favorite places or events, and some object handling with the curator.”
Find out more: Twitter @Hearts_Heritage
Sheffield Eagles Heritage Project
The Sheffield Eagles Heritage Project and the Sheffield Eagles Rugby League Club are using the entire month of September to focus on the history of the Sheffield Eagles and starting the countdown to the 40th anniversary of the Sheffield Eagles on 2nd September 2024.
#NSHD2023 will be used to bring together the month of activity on the Heritage Project’s website with the online galleries and stories being published on 30th September. This will include sharing details of: the story of Rugby League in Sheffield, the first Sheffield Eagles Heritage game on 3rd September, the special “Full Monty” game on 8th September, writing from schoolchildren taking part in the Sheffield Eagles Literacy Kicks Project, and the release of the first heritage audio interviews with fans, staff, players and others connected with the Sheffield Eagles, sharing their memories of the Club.
Find out more: Facebook @SheffieldEaglesHeritage
Irish FA Tours Open Day, 1st Oct, Windsor Park, Belfast
Over the NSHD weekend, the Irish FA are hosting a special heritage open day and tour, inviting those who live within the shadow of the National Football Stadium and the surrounding area to engage directly with the Irish FA and reflect on the stadium and its place within their community.
Along with a tour of the ground, the two hour visit will present archive footage, programmes, and other mementos as means for discussion. Refreshments offered, and Pre-Registration required.
Find out more: Facebook @IRISHFATOURS
The Keep Fit Association (KFA)
The Keep Fit Community will be creating, and presenting a video montage about the KFA community, and the history of the sport at it’s Annual General Meeting (AGM) on 30 Sept. The video will also be shared across their social media on #NSHD2023
Find out more: Facebook @keepfitassociation
You can also explore the full range of community grant events and activity happening across the UK this year through our NSHD Interactive Map created by illustrator, Jessica Hartshorn
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