Our sporting collections comprise mostly photographs, around 400 at present with more added on a regular basis. The main sports covered are shinty, football, golf, Highland Games, country sports (shooting, fishing etc), skiing, curling and cricket
Find out more Hertfordshire Archives and Local Studies (HALS) have items relating to gymnastics, lawn tennis, horse racing, golf, hunting/fishing/shooting, boating, cycling, chess, archery and rowing.
Find out more Produced by Merton Library and Heritage Service, the Merton Memories website offers unprecedented access to a unique collection of photographs charting the history of Merton over the past 150 years.
Find out more The Special Collections at the University of Southampton holds manuscript and printed collections relating to the sports teams of the University and those of its predecessor institutions, the sporting activities of Anglo-Jewish youth groups, the sporting interests of individuals, and to sport in Hampshire.
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