What are the key aims of the Awards?
- To promote what sporting heritage is and how vital it is to our communities
- To support a greater understanding of the role and value of sporting heritage to agendas such as mental health, sports participation, and education
- To increase the protection, preservation, access, and celebration of sporting heritage
- To ensure that diverse stories and heritage is shared and recognised
- To raise awareness of the work that Sporting Heritage CIC does and how we support the sector’s development
- To increase investment into the sector for long term sustainability
Who are the Awards relevant to?
We’re aiming to raise awareness across the heritage and sport sectors, also those areas that relate to our work such as health and well-being and education. We’re also aiming to increase diversity and representation through the awards. Finally, we’re aiming to raise awareness of the importance of sporting heritage with the general public.
We expect to receive nominations for and from the following are some of the key groups, but this isn’t exhaustive and anyone is welcome to apply:
- community groups
- partners working to increase diverse heritage and raise voices of unheard and hidden heritage
- school and academic orgs
- sports clubs and governing bodies
- sports industry companies
- heritage sector orgs (museums, archives etc)
- policy makers
- funders
- decision makers
- stakeholders including all audiences
What are the benefits for winners?
Winners will:
- become part of our Sporting Heritage Community Hall of Fame
- be exclusively able to use an SH Award badge of honour to show excellence in delivering sporting heritage provision
- become part of our prestigious SH Awards Winners Team!
- receive a physical award
- receive recognition and PR of their achievement
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