Madge Baranek was a schoolteacher and in her early years of teaching, her physical education organiser introduced her to Keep Fit for Women, movement performed to music, and organised by Norah Reid, also a physical education organiser.
Norah Reid was a driving force in forming the Keep Fit Association (KFA) and proved that given the right kind of work and the right kind of leaders (now teachers) the general public would reach out its hands for the benefits that the keep fit adventure can bestow on them.
Madge Baranek was most definitely the right kind of leader and a truly inspirational teacher, trainer, mentor and friend to many throughout her long career with the KFA.
Madge had the privilege of studying with the renowned choreographer Rudolf Laban with whom the KFA formed strong links in the 1960’s and, we continue to set our training policy to use Laban’s analysis of movement in all our work.
Madge inspired many class members, across the whole country, to become teachers and teachers to progress to trainers. Her legacy lives on in these former students who are still teaching and training today, bringing the joy of Laban based movement to many people.
Madge is still held in high esteem in the KFA. This day of dance, which the programme illustrates, honoured Madge, with classes and demonstrations from many teachers and trainers that Madge had inspired and trained over her illustrious career.