Podcast Series - Shinty's Great Sacrifice

Sporting Heritage Podcast - Shinty's great sacrifice, Hugh Dan MacLennan
Paterson brothers & shinty team at Cameron Highlanders camp, 1912
Courtesy of Hugh Dan MacLennan
The Ballachulish three
Courtesy of Hugh Dan MacLennan
Duncan MacGillivray performing at Shinty's Heroes, 2018
Courtesy of Hugh Dan MacLennan

As part of the Sporting Heritage and the Armed Forces series of podcasts, Hugh Dan MacLennan discusses the exhibition, ‘Shinty’s Great Sacrifice’.

Communities in the Highlands and Islands of Scotland lost a greater proportion of people in the First World War than any other similar area of the UK. This had a hugely damaging impact on the culture, language and economy of Scotland’s Gaelic-speaking communities, the Gàidhealtachd. The game of Shinty, or Camanachd, also suffered losing many of its fittest and most able players.

The ‘Shinty’s Great Sacrifice’ exhibition tells this story from the perspective of recollections of soldiers who served, the communities they returned to, and the music they played and composed in the trenches.

You can listen to the podcast here

You can listen to further podcasts in the Sporting Heritage and Armed Forces series on our Soundcloud page.


Intro music – ‘Shinty’s Heroes’ written and performed by Gary Innes

Outro music – ‘Guma Slàn Fearaibh’ written and performed by Arthur Cormack, recorded at Shinty’s Heroes, May 15, 2015 Portree, courtesy BBC Radio nan Gàidheal

Piping music – ‘The Beauly Shinty Club’ performed by Duncan MacGillivray, recorded at Shinty’s Heroes, May 15, 2015 Portree, courtesy BBC Radio nan Gàidheal

The man speaking Gaelic is Sorley MacLean reading the poem ‘Earrach 1937’. Thanks to Sorley Maclean’s family

The “Ballachulish Escape” excerpt is courtesy of BBC Scotland, interview by Kenny MacIntyre


Mar phàirt de shreath phodcasts air am foillseachadh le Dualchas Spors an RA agus na Feachdan Armachd, tha Ù sdean MacIllInnein a’ còmhradh mun taisbeanadh “Là a’ Bhlàir is math na càirdean….”

Thug an dà Chogadh Mhòr buaidh air saoghal na camanachd a tha doirbh a chreidsinn an-diugh. Anns a’ Chiad Chogadh fhèin, thathas a’ dèanamh dheth gun deach suas gu àireamh 15 sgioba chamanachd a chall anns an t-strì. Bha buaidh sgriosail aig Blàir leithid Festubert anns a’ Chèitein 1915 air sgìrean leithid Phortrigh, A’ Mhanachainn agus Bàidneach. Chaill Portrigh 26 neach anns a’ Bhlàr agus chaill sgiobaidhean na Manachainn, Caol Bhòid agus Ceann a’ Ghiùthsaich grunn mhath de na cluicheadairean aca. Thill pìob mhòr bho Bhlàr Festubert a tha an-diugh ga cluich fhathast agus seòmraichean raon camanachd na Manachainn air an ainmeachadh air an dithis bhràthair ainmeil a chaill am beatha anns a’ bhlàr – Alasdair agus Dòmhnall MacPheadrais. Thar an dà Chogadh Mhòr ged tha, agus fiùs an Cogadh nam Boers roimhe sin, bha camanchd cudromach son aire dhaoine chumail beò agus an spioradan an àird.

Tha an taisbeanadh seo a’ dealbh, tro aithrisean, dealbhan agus sgeulachdan, mar a thachair, agus a’ bhuiaidh mhaireannach a bh’aig sin air camanachd, Gàidhlig agus a’ Ghàidhealtachd.


Ceòl toisich: Gary Innes “Shinty’s Heroes” a chaidh a sgrìobhadh leis fhèin.

Somhairle MacIlleain a’ leughadh “Earrach 1937” : Le taing do theaghlach Shomhairle

Dunnchadh MacIlleBhrath a’ seinn na pìoba le “The Beauly Shinty Club” a chaidh a chlàradh le BBC Radio nan Gàidheal aig cuirm Shinty’s Heroes, Cèitein 15, 2015 Portrìgh, le taing do BBC Radio nan Gàidheal.

Agallamh Bhaile Chaolais air a chlàradh le BBC Scotland, le Coinneach Mac an t-Saoir.

Art MacCarmaig a’ seinn “Guma Slàn Fearaibh” aig cuirm Shinty’s Heroes, Cèitein 15, 2015 Portrìgh, le taing do BBC Radio nan Gàidheal.

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