Other key sources of data

From Our Toolkit

There are a number of external data sources that are helpful to help you build a picture of your potential visitors and better understand your current visitors.

Audience local area profiles

Audience local area profiles provide a detailed summary of data relating to an area based on a selected drivetime and the demographics and cultural engagement of the people who live in it. These profiles are available from the Audience Agency and start at a cost of £125 + VAT.

Sector specific data

Sector specific data is also useful to use to provide data to support audience development.

For museums: Museum Audience Report 2018

For archives: Archives and Records Association – National surveys

General statistical data

General statistical data it is helpful to use broader data to tell you about the visitors behaviour, this will aid you in understanding your audiences. The Taking Part survey is the Department for Digital Culture, Media & Sport’s flagship survey, collecting data on how adults and children engage with our sectors.

Tourism statistics

Each of the national tourism agencies collect data which can be useful to provide a picture of national trends for visiting cultural heritage organisations.

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