Business planning

From Our Toolkit

Business planning is an activity that should involve the whole of your management group and wherever possible should involve consultation and feedback opportunities for your members, volunteers and stakeholders.

Writing a business plan will give your group the opportunity to work together as a team to define the mission, vision and aims of your organisation and to develop an action plan for the next working period, for example 12 or 24 months. It needs to be a flexible ‘living’ document which can be used internally to drive the work you do but can also be shared with funders.

The National Council for Voluntary Organisations (NCVO) provides guidance on what to think about Before You Start Your Business Plan.

There are a number of guides which can walk you through how to write your business plan along with planning templates which can be tailored for the needs of your organisation:

For museums:

For archives:

Advice for heritage organisations from major funders:

As part of your business planning it is best practice to assess the risk associated with your activity. Please see the Managing Risk subject in this toolkit for further information.

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