
Definition of “Mentee”

There are many different definitions for the term “mentee”. We use the following “A person who is advised, trained or counselled by a mentor”,1 but anyone who wants to work with another individual to learn, explore, and develop their own professional knowledge, skills or experience could be classed as a mentee.

But what is a mentee?

A mentee is someone who has identified a key skills, experience or knowledge gap and needs support from another individual to fill this gap. A mentee is not just someone at the start of their career, it is anyone who wants to adapt, grow and changes their abilities, at all stages of career development. A mentee maybe a museum manager who wants to develop their knowledge of a specific collections subject, for example sport, and wants to work with a mentor who can provide this knowledge and further contacts to support them. Or it could be someone who is in the middle of a University course who thinks they want to work in sporting heritage but doesn’t know where to start.

1. Oxford Dictionaries

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